Why is My Amex Platinum Not Working on Uber

Why is My Amex Platinum Not Working on Uber?

You may have had a payment issue with Amex and you’ve asked why is my Amex Platinum not working on Uber. If you want to know why you are having a payment issue with Amex, there are certainly ways to avoid having your card declined. Check the next section for details.

Why is My Amex Platinum Not Working on Uber

When you encounter payment issues with Amex Platinum you need to consider checking out for the following:

Check the expiration date on your Amex Platinum to confirm If it has not expired, you will have to contact American Express to request a new card.

If you discover Uber not accepting Amex ensure to enter the correct card number, expiration date, and security code while you try to use your Amex Platinum on Uber, check very well to find out if there is any error.

When you are unable to use Amex do well to check if the billing address is associated with your Amex Platinum.

You can equally check with Uber support to see if there are any known issues with using Amex Platinum on their platform.

If you’ve exceeded your Amex Platinum credit limit, you may not be able to use it on Uber until you’ve made a payment and reduced your balance.

After checking all of these possibilities and none is working, it could be a technical problem and you can contact American Express customer service to help resolve the issue.

How Do I Use My Amex Platinum Card’s Uber Credits?

You will need to follow these simple steps if you want to use your Amex Platinum card’s Uber credits:

  • Open the Uber app on your smartphone 
  • Click on the “Payment” option.
  • Choose “Add Payment Method” and then select “American Express” as your payment method.
  • Enter your Amex Platinum card details, including the card number, expiration date, and security code.
  • The moment your card is added, you will see your available Uber credits that are available under the “Payment” section of the app.
  • To use your Uber credits, simply select the credit as your payment method when booking a ride or ordering food delivery through the app.

Amex Platinum card’s Uber credits are valid for use within the United States and expire at the end of each month.

Does the Amex Platinum Card’s Uber Credit Work for Uber Eats?

Does the Amex Platinum Card's Uber Credit work for Uber Eats?

Yes, you can use the Amex Platinum card’s Uber credits for both Uber rides and Uber Eats orders. This shows that you can use your monthly Uber credits to pay for food delivery through the Uber Eats app.

If the cost of your Uber Eats order is lower than your available Uber credits, the remaining credits will be saved for future use. 

When the cost of your order is more than the amount of your available Uber credits, the remaining balance will be charged to your Amex Platinum card.

Additionally, your monthly Uber credits for both Uber rides and Uber Eats are separate.

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