What is Acceptance Rate for Uber Platinum?
What is acceptance rate for Uber platinum? Uber requires its drivers to have a high acceptance rate to maintain or achieve Platinum status. Being a Platinum driver comes with benefits such as earning more per trip, priority support, and exclusive promotions.

The acceptance rate for Uber Platinum refers to the percentage of ride requests that a driver accepts, without canceling or rejecting, while providing service to a rider who is enrolled in the Uber Platinum program.
Uber Platinum riders are given priority access to highly-rated drivers who have a higher acceptance rate, which means that drivers who consistently accept ride requests from Uber Platinum riders may have an advantage in being matched with these riders.
However, Uber does not disclose the exact acceptance rating level required to become or maintain a Platinum status. It may vary based on the location and the supply and demand for rides in the area.
In addition to points, keep your star rating at 4.85 or higher, your cancellation rate at 4% or lower, and your acceptance score rate at 85% or higher to earn Gold, Platinum, and Diamond prizes.
What is the Uber Platinum Acceptance Rate?
Uber does not publicly disclose the specific acceptance rate required to attain or maintain Uber Platinum status.
The requirements for Platinum status may vary based on location, rider rating demand, and driver ranking supply.
However, Uber has stated that Platinum status is awarded to its most loyal and dedicated riders, and rider acceptance who are enrolled in the Platinum program are given priority access to highly-rated drivers with a good rate of acceptance.
Therefore, drivers who consistently accept ride requests may have a higher chance of being matched with Platinum riders keeping your current status to receive your current awards.
If your acceptance quota status rate goes below 75%, you will immediately lose access to your incentives. To regain your status and incentives, your rating must rise to 85% or higher.
How Does Uber Platinum Acceptance Rate Work?

Uber Platinum acceptance rate is the percentage of ride requests that a driver accepts while providing service to a rider who is enrolled in the Uber Platinum program.
To maintain or achieve Platinum status, Uber requires its drivers to have a high acceptance level rate, which means that they must accept a high percentage of ride requests from all riders, including those enrolled in the platinum tier acceptance program.
If a driver’s acceptance rate falls below a certain threshold, they may be at risk of losing their Platinum status or even being deactivated from the Uber platform.
Therefore, it is essential for drivers to maintain a high acceptance measurement scale rate to continue to receive the benefits of being a Platinum driver.
Being a Platinum driver means that drivers have priority access to high-value ride requests from Platinum riders and Membership rate.
Platinum drivers are also eligible for various perks and benefits, such as earning more per trip, priority support, and exclusive promotions.
Therefore, maintaining a high frequency of acceptance rate is crucial for Uber drivers who want to achieve and retain Platinum status and enjoy the associated benefits.